
Life Coach, Mentor, Motivational Speaker & Author
Purpose For Starting a Coaching Practice: Life, Business, Career, Wellness and Stress Management
Life is amazing and it has all the possibilities available to everyone and anyone. It takes time and patience to find solutions and ideas. I always knew that I was capable of finding solutions for others, because I always believed in going the extra mile. My method of finding solutions is to dig deeper than what most people are willing to do. I just don't believe in giving up and as far as ideas that is my gift that God has bestowed upon me.
So why not share my gift with others and hopefully provide them with creative methods to solving problems or discovering solutions within. Most of the time, the solutions are in front of most people, but people tend to give up too soon. and they allow failure to paralyze their dreams.
Fear will stop you from moving forward and it will always keep you behind and in your past. Here is my acronym for fear: F=forcing, E=everything, A=available, R=right out of your life. Failure is not an option and 5 Star Coaching Services, LLC wants to help others realize their true potential.
Businesses are also going through a transition and should be prepared in this market and economy to maintain the best business relationships with their clients. Otherwise, they could risk loosing business to their competition. It is 5 Star Coaching Services, LLC goal to help your business grow.
Careers are always changing too. Due to the changes with the economy, several people have either loss their jobs or have been forced to find better jobs to support themselves and their family. 5 Star Coaching Services, LLC is the support organization that can show you how to develop a career plan . Commitment is all it takes to get started and great guidance will lead you in the right direction.
Wellness and Stress Management plays an integral role in how you function at work, home and with others. When you feel good within you can function better. However, when something is causing you stress your body begins to attack itself physically, mentally, and emotionally. We have specialized programs incorporating meditation, dancing and exercising combined. The Dance Wellness Program can show you how to relax, feel great within, and help you maintain good health.
Transformation Coaching is another area of wellness that's designed to help individuals overcome obstacles that have left them traumatized and stagnant. Abuse, divorce, neglect, loss of a love one and low self esteem are all areas that can cause emotional bondage.